Grand Magistry
The Order is administrated and managed by the Grand Master in consultation with the Grand Magistry, the Grand Master’s decree being final (Const 1999 § 1). All members of the Grand Magistry are appointed by the Grand Master and serve at his pleasure(Const 1999 § 5).
The Grand Magistry
Grand Chancellor: H.E. Alexander Graff de Pancsova, MD,FRCS, GCCStS
Chancellor for Australasia: Exz. Russell Male Lord of Walterston, GCCStS, KCSJ
Chancellor of (Western and Eastern) Europe: Exz. Alexander Graff de Pancsova, MD, FRCS, GCCStS
Chancellor for Latin America: Chev. Tomas L. Lorant, GCCStS
Chancellor for North America: Vacant
Grand Secretary: Dame Diana Rose Causton, GCCStS
Communication Director: H.E. Mathias J. Grabher, GCCStS
Grand Bailiff: Dame Mag. juris Katharina M. Dirnbacher, MLL, BSc, GCCStS
Grand Marshal: H.E. Thaddaeus Baron von Lison, GCCStS
Grand Treasurer: Dame Angelica Roehr, Dkfm, GCCStS
Grand Archivist: H.E. Thaddaeus Baron von Lison, GCCStS
Grand Prelate: Vakant
King of Arms: H.E. Baron Joseph von Ritter zu Groenestyn, MSc, CSStS
Grand Constable: H.E. Lawrence J. Day, ISO, CStJ, GCCStS. KLJ, JP
Grand Legate: (for other Orders and chivalric organisations) Dame Silvia Fritz von Anhalt, GCCStS
Grand Legate: (for southeastern Europe) Dame Ivana McCann, GCCStS
Grand Legate: (for western Europe) H.E. Thaddaeus Baron von Lison, GCCStS
Grand Legate: (for Poland) H.E. Alfred Winiecki, GCCStS
Grand Councillor: H.E. Dr. Roger Bateman, GCCStS
Grand Councillor: H.E. Herbert Class, GCCStS
Grand Councillor: H.E. Leslie Grout, GCCStS
For the specific functions of the members of the Grand Magitry please see the Constitution (here)